6-8 Math & Science

Nick Broadway,
Middle School
Math & Science Specialist

(Grades 6-8)

Specialist Spotlight:

Nick Broadway received his undergraduate and master's degree from the University of Mississippi. Nick is certified in K-6 elementary education, as well as grades 7-12 in Math, Science, and English. He has experience teaching 7th and 8th grade math in DeSoto County for 10 years.

Close-up of Laura Ratliff

Middle School
Math & Science Specialist

(Grades 6-8)

Specialist Spotlight:

Laura Ratliff received her undergraduate degree from the University of Mississippi and her master's degree from Arkansas State University. Laura is certified in K-6 elementary education, as well as 7-12 Math, ELA, and History.

Parent/Teacher Resources

Practice Test Items

Click on the above link to see how the assessment will look. Students and parents can practice working the problems on the computer.

What are the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards?

The Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards are just standards that outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade level. For example: at the end of which grade a child should know how to add and subtract fractions; or when a child should be able to write a 2-page paper. These standards are written for English Language Arts and Mathematics and can be found on the Mississippi Department of Education's website